Za proizvodnju, trgovinu, promet i usluge
Termoelektrana bb, Koksara, 75300 Lukavac, BiH
ID br. : 4210281000003
PDV br. : 210281000003
Br. žiro računa : ProCredit Bank d.d. Sarajevo : 1941410223000166
Br. deviznog računa : 1941410223001233 ; SWIFT : MEBBBA22
Br. žiro računa : Ziraat Bank dd BiH : 1861420310245626
IBAN : BA391861421200098891 ; SWIFT : TZBBBA22
Br. žiro računa : Raiffeisen Bank dd BiH : 1610000214260013
Br. žiro računa: Sberbank dd BiH : 14040611200108817
IBAN : BA391040461200619175 ; SWIFT : SABRBA22
ASD GROUP d.o.o Lukavac is a privately owned domestic company, whose primary activity is the trade and distribution of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products.
ASD GROUP d.o.o - ADRIATIC STEEL DISTRIBUTION builds its successful business on the basis of customer trust, and creating long-term and partnership relationships with our clients.
A professional approach based on knowledge and experience has resulted in the fact that ASD GROUP d.o.o. has grown into a reliable and secure supplier and partner in working with all our clients.
The headquarters of the company ASD GROUP - ADRIATIC STEEL DISTRIBUTION is located in Lukavac in a modern hall built to the highest world and European standards.
Closed storage space of 2500 m2 with a capacity of 2500 tons of steel offers customers a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products, of which we single out:
ADRIATIC STEEL DISTRIBUTION has become a recognizable brand in the business environment by building a wholesale and retail network of customers, with a focus on establishing long-term partnerships with customers, and to the mutual satisfaction.
ADRIATIC STEEL DISTRIBUTION - ASD GROUP is a customer service at the highest professional level, which is reflected in the partnership, speed of delivery, accuracy, reliability, a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products.
The main goal and vision of ASD GROUP d.o.o. is to become a market leader in the sale and distribution of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products, and to be a complete service to customers in BiH, with a tendency to expand to countries in the region.
ASD GROUP d.o.o - ADRIATIC STEEL DISTRIBUTION bases its business strategy on 5 goals:
- long-term and partnership relationship with all our customers in order to meet customer needs
- professional relationship with customers based on experience and knowledge, guaranteed by professional and expert staff
- ASD GROUP d.o.o is a synonym and name for a reliable, accurate and reliable business partner in the distribution of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products
- respect for all its suppliers from Europe and the world, and build long-term partnerships with suppliers based on trust
- cijena i kvalitet proizvoda koje nudi ASD GROUP d.o.o mora biti najprihvatljivija za naše kupce